Sharon McMaster
Reiki is a powerful tool for self-development and self-healing. Reiki enhances our own natural ability to re-balance and re-align energy that is out of balance in the body, mind and spirit and in our lives. It works on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and is used by millions of people worldwide as an effective tool to support human health and wellbeing. The way modern life is approached can be very stressful. This stressful way of living can create a vast array of disharmony for the human body/mind unit. The body can struggle to deal with the many stressors of modern life, from toxic food and drink to environmental toxins, relationships disharmony and more situations that fragment our energy. Reiki can be used as a preventative tool to counteract the fast pace of modern life
The origins of Reiki can be found in Japan where it was used extensively as an effective ' Natural Healing system" The word Reiki translates to mean 'spiritual energy' yet at the same time it also represents the system of Mikao Usui's teachings in their modern form.
The focus of Level Two Reiki training is to expand upon your abilities as a student.
Level Two is for student who wish to work as a Reiki Practitioner.
This training is divided into separate training modules. Where the teachings are more indepth than level One. It is designed to prepare the student to become an effective, confident and safe practitioner of Reiki.
Second Spiritual Attunement
Safety when working in the public domain.
Application of teachings
Case Histories
Supervisied Practice
Written examination on completion.
Managing your Business
April 20th and 21st.............Full Day
May 18th.............................Full Day
June 15th 2024...................Full Day
*Online classes dates to be added*
The focus of this first level of Reiki training is self-healing, personal development and inner contemplation. This training can act as the foundations to learning others modalities of energy medicine.
The course is divided into separate training modules covering many aspects of self-care, energy awareness, theory and practical application.
First Spiritual Attunement.
Understanding the Chakra system
Understanding the human endocrine system
and how it connects to the chakra system. -
Personal care/safety within the energy environment
Energy management
Spiritual Teaching
Practical application
February 10th and 11th.......Full Days
March 23rd 2024.................Full days.
*Online classes dates to be added*
February 17th and 18th 2024
24th February 2024
4th April 2024
The Keys to Health and Wellness
* Reiki/Seichem Mastership is a qualification that allows the practitioner to advance their abilities to teach others this wonderful system of natural 'Hands on Healing'
* The student Master will learn how to teach, Level 1, 2 and 3 Reiki/Seichem.
* This advanced training is taught in alignment with the traditional teachings and is NOT taught over one or two day.
* The focus of this class is self mastery, self-awareness through a journey of
* A minimum of six students for this class.
* Pre-requisite to join this class is a minimum of Level Two Reiki/Seichem and application by an telephone interview to explain what the students requirements are and the student's expectations.
For today only
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be humble
Be honest in your work
Be compassionate to yourself and others.